Corpus Interactions Simuligne (Simulation en ligne en apprentissage des
langues) provenant de Mulce.org et mis en TEI
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How to cite this resource
Reffay, C. Chanier, T. Lamy, M.-N. & Betbeder, M.-L. (2014). Corpus
Interactions Simuligne (Simulation en ligne en apprentissage des langues).
In Chanier T. (ed.) Banque de corpus CoMeRe. Ortolang.fr : Nancy.
[cmr-simuligne-tei-v1 ; http://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-simuligne-tei-v1]
This form has been automatically extracted from the TEI file. For the full
contents, see http://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-simuligne/cmr-simuligne-tei-v1.xml.
Overview of the corpus
The first version of this corpus, under the LETEC
standard - corpus for learning -, (Reffay, C. Chanier, T. Lamy, M.-N. &
Betbeder, M.-L. (2009)) may be downloaded from Mulce website with the code
oai:mulce.org:mce.simu.all.all. From the original corpus
have been extracted all the interactions between the participants to the
Simuligne chat class. The initial corpus has been converted to the TEI
standard in the project CoMeRe (Communication médiée par
les réseaux)
. This project aims at
assembling different corpora that are representative of various types of
network communication (Internet, phone, etc.), all structured and informed
in the same manner, broadcasted in free-access for research aims. The CoMeRe
project is supported by ORTOLANG and the national consortium Corpus-écrits.
; Learners, natives and tutors all followed the
learning scneario corresponding to the global simulation
; Learners, natives and tutors all followed the
learning scneario corresponding to the global simulation
; Learners, natives and tutors all followed the
learning scneario corresponding to the global simulation
; Learners, natives and tutors all followed the
learning scneario corresponding to the global simulation
; Before the Simuligne experiment tutors were prepared
before the took in charge their learning group. During the experiment,
they regularly met here in order to exchange their
; All English and French spekaers - tutors, leaernes,
natives , were gathered here and followed a leanirng scenarion akin to
the Cultura expriment
Keywords : applied_linguistics
; discourse_analysis
; text_and_corpus_linguistics
; primary_text
; dialogue
; Communication Médiée par les Réseaux
; CoMeRe
; plate-forme d'apprentissage en ligne
; forum
; courriel
; clavardage
; apprentissage des langues en ligne
; corpus d'apprentissage
; Computer Mediated Communication
; discussion forum
; email
; textchat
; online language learning
Reffay, C. Chanier, T. Lamy, M.-N. & Betbeder, M.-L. (2009). (editors).
LETEC corpus Simuligne. Mulce.org : Clermont Université.
[oai:mulce.org:mce.simu.all.all ; http://repository.mulce.org ]
Chanier, T. (2001).Créer des communautés d'apprentissage à distance. Les
dossiers de l'Ingénierie Educative, 36 (2001) 56-59 ;
Reffay, C. , Chanier, T.: "How social network analysis can help to measure
cohesion in collaborative distance-learning", Proceeding of Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning conference (CSCL'2003), June, Bergen, Norway. Kluwer
Acedemic Publisher. pp 343-352 ;
Lamy, M-N. (2006) 'Interactive Task Design and the Whole Learner' In Garcia
Mayo, P. (ed.) Investigating Tasks in Formal Language Settings, Multilingual
Matters. 242-264.
Lamy M-N. and Hassan X.P. (2003) 'What influences reflective interaction in
distance peer learning? Evidence from four long-term online learners of French',
in Open Learning Journal, Vol 18, n° 1, pp 39-59
Rationale for this corpus
The online class Simuligne (2001) addresses French language
learners from The Open University in Great-Britain. The learning scenario is
based on a global simulation (Yaiche, 1996) for learning French as a foreign
language (FLE-FFL) and also includes an intercultural unit "Interculture",
inspired by the project Cultura (Furstenberg, 1999).
Scenario 1 : A big British university is searching for the perfect
student city, situated in France, in order to establish there for the
next ten years all its language training courses. 2000 students may
register for these courses. The venue of such an important number of
students is of great commercial, cultural, touristic and universitary
interest for the selected city. The idea is, for you and your partners
to create this perfect city which will be able to respond in the better
way to the needs of the British students and to apply for the "Open
City-Ville Ouverte" contest organized by the British university. You
will be contesting with three other groups, also participating to the
"Open City-Ville Ouvert" contest. Each group builds, during 6 weeks, its
perfect city with its places, people, meetings, events. Finally, the
elements set during the six weeks of work are assembled on the poster of
each group representing a city. The four posters are presented to the
participants. A voting elects the best poster.
Scenario 2 : Interculture, exchanging viewpoints between
French-speaking and English-speaking on current-life situations. All the
participants to the project (learners, tutors, teachers, technicians,
researchers) have been gathered and separated in txo categories:
English-speaking and French-speaking. Everybody could speak his/her own
language (cf. the model of Cultura project).
. For more details on the pedagogical scenario, see Chanier, T.
(2009). (editor). Scénario pédagogique de Simuligne (version Motplus-Html).
Mulce.org : Clermont Université. [oai:mulce.org:mce-simu-ld-01
; http://repository.mulce.org].
This corpus is a subpart of the CoMeRe corpus databank. The
CoMeRe (Communication Médiée par les Réseaux)
project aims to build a kernel corpus assembling existing corpora of different
CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) genres and new corpora build on data
extracted from the Internet. These heterogenous corpora will be structured and
processed in a uniform way, complemented with metadata. CoMeRe will be released
as OpenData through the national infrastructure Ortolang, following constraints
which will be reused for the forthcoming “Corpus de Référence du Français”.
Project supported by the national consortium Corpus-écrits, sub-part of Huma-Num, and
Ortolang (French correspondant to DARIAH).
The TEI structure used is an extension of TEI for CMC genres.
This extension is developped by a European project which participants are :
Michael Beißwenger (DE), Thierry Chanier (FR), Isabella Chiari (IT), Maria
Ermakova (DE), Maarten van Gompel (NL), Iris Hendrickx (NL), Axel Herold (DE),
Henk van den Heuvel (NL), Lothar Lemnitzer (DE), Angelika Storrer (DE).
Description of the Interaction Space
CMC Environment
: WebCT Online Learning Management System,version, 2001. In
this corpus are described communication tools (all textual modalities)
of the LMS.
- ActivityStructure
: The Interaction Spaces of one learning group is included in one
text. It is organized around set of learning
activities. An activity structure (included into a div)
can be composed of a set of learning
activties or one learning activity (hence div of Activity
structure can be nested . A learning activity may include one or
several modalities (email, chat or forums), here after
- chat
: Interactions (sets of elements post)) in the
modality textchat are organized in chatrooms
(divlevel), which have a title. Hereafter are types of
Messages typed by participants inside a
Synchronous discussion tool. All members of a
group can chat within a chatroom. Chatrooms can only
be opeend and closed by tutors /
related to the guidelines of
the learning activity
- chat-message
- chat-event
- connexion
: participant enters into the textchat room
- deconnexion
: participant leaves the textchat room
- email
: The email is a communication tool integrated within the
LMS. Sets of email messages are in a (div).
Messages typed by participants inside the
email tool of the LMS.
Asynchronous discussion tool. Only adresses
can read a message and send a response to it. All
participants in a group can send a message to
memebrs of the group.Information about whether a
correspondant read (opened) a message is not given
by the LMS but has been computed from the internal
data base.
related to the guidelines
of the learning activity
- email-message
: if a message (post) has a ref, then
it is a response to a previous one. More idetails, see
- forum
: A discussion forum has a title and is composed of a set
of threads (each one with a title). Sets of messages
corresponding to one forum are assembled in one
Messages typed by participants inside the
discussion forum tool of the LMS.
Asynchronous discussion tool.
All partcipants within a group can read a message
and anwser to it. They can also open a thread.
Only tutors / teachers can open a forum.
Information about who read (opened) a message in a
forum is not given by the LMS but has been
computed from the internal data
related to the guidelines
of the learning activity
- forum-message
: The first message of a thread is encoded as a
post which has no ref. Other
messages respond to a previous message with an ID given
in ref, are thus included in a thread. More
idetails, see tagsDecl
- Principal
: This Interaction Space (encoded as div) does not
belong to any activity structure but is at the top level of the
Interaction Space of one group. Its modalities (email, chat or
forum) were accessible during the whole course and could be used to
solve technical problems, work management, etc..
Structure of interactions
text: One per group for its Interaction Space
div: Divisions have several purposes depending on the
post: one post corresponds to one eamil message or one forum
message or one texchat turn.
- xml:idID of the post.
whendate of the message when created, given by the
whoid of the author of the message. Every participant
have been described in the particDesc.
typetype of the post cf. taxononomy.
refreference to the post ID to which the current post
responded to (for email and forum)
- head contains all the rest of the structure of the post,
which cannot be described as TEI elements because of the current
limited adequacy of TEI to CMC. It is a provisinal decision taken in
order to limit the number of new elements. These new elements or
attributes may appear when the TEI-CMC agree upon them.
title Title of the forum, or subject of an
listPerson list of adressees , one
person per people and event identify
the communication feature attached to her/him
typeSendTo addressee(s) of
an email
typeRead who opened (read?)
an email or a forum message ?
trailer: At the end of a post when there is an attached
Data Collection
Data collected : From 2001-04-09 to 2001-07-06
rs: Milton Keynes,United Kingdom
rs: Besançon, France
rs: 7026232
rs: 7008356
Language of the data:
Types of interaction
channel: mode: w
Learning Management System (LMS), WebCT
constitution: This corpus is made of interactions between participants (learners,
natives, tutors, researchers) during the online language learning Simuligne
experiment (2001). All these interactions happened within the LMS and are made
of textacht turns, emails and forum messages. Participants were organized in
groups (learning groups) : 4 following "scenario 1", a fifth one gathering all
participants during the Interculture activity ("scenario 2",(see
projectDesc) a sixth restrained to tutors). All details about
groups are in particDesc. Data have been collected by the corpus compiler of the first LETEC Simuligne corpus (2009).
Since WebCT had no export facilties, data have been extracted out of WebCT
internal database, then structured and anonymized.
derivation: type: original
domain: education
factuality: type: fact
interaction: type: complete
active: many
Interactions happened acordingly to the guidelines of the learning
activities (see projectDesc for access to guidelines)
preparedness: type: spontaneous
purpose: degree: high
learn and practice French, develop intercultural
Participants (extract)
Group #Simu-g-Aq
type: social
, name: tutor
, active: #cmr-Simu-At0 #cmr-Simu-At
, type: social
, name: native
, active: #cmr-Simu-An1 #cmr-Simu-An2 #cmr-Simu-An3
, type: social
, name: learner
, active: #cmr-Simu-Al1 #cmr-Simu-Al2 #cmr-Simu-Al3 #cmr-Simu-Al4 #cmr-Simu-Al5 #cmr-Simu-Al6 #cmr-Simu-Al7 #cmr-Simu-Al8 #cmr-Simu-Al9
#cmr-Simu-Al10 #cmr-Simu-Ll4 #cmr-Simu-Ll9
, type: social
, name: researcher
, active: #cmr-Simu-Tm
, Group #Simu-g-Ga
type: social
, name: tutor
, active: #cmr-Simu-Gt
, type: social
, name: native
, active: #cmr-Simu-Gn1 #cmr-Simu-Gn2
, type: social
, name: learner
, active: #cmr-Simu-Gl1 #cmr-Simu-Gl2 #cmr-Simu-Gl3 #cmr-Simu-Gl4 #cmr-Simu-Gl5 #cmr-Simu-Gl6 #cmr-Simu-Gl8 #cmr-Simu-Gl9 #cmr-Simu-Gl10
, type: social
, name: researcher
, active: #cmr-Simu-Tm
, Person ID= cmr-Simu-Al1
sex: female
age: value: 46
residence: United Kindom
Open University
Person ID= cmr-Simu-Al2
sex: male
age: value: 42
residence: United Kindom
Open University
Person ID= cmr-Simu-Al3
sex: male
age: value: 54
residence: United Kindom
Open University
Person ID= cmr-Simu-Al4
sex: female
age: value: 54
residence: United Kindom
Open University
Extracts of Interactions
TEI:Interaction Space of the Simuligne learning group Aquitania
div:cmr-Simu-Aq-E2A1-2 ; title:E2_ecrire_histoire_ville_struct ; date:from:2001-06-11T00:00:00 to:2001-06-23T23:59:59
div:cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a2_hymne ; type:forum
- POST: xml:id: Aqui_e2a2_hymne-428
| when: 2001-06-14T02:36:00
| who: Al6
| type: forum-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a2_hymne-421
title: Vers = ligne?SendTo:
Read: #cmr-Simu-An3
; #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
; #cmr-Simu-Al6
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Ll4
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Ll9
p: MerciAnna, Et, oui, si
j'ai le temps, j'essayerai de faire quelque chose
musicale pour le refrain. Qui écrit les mote du
refrain? Mia
- POST: xml:id: Aqui_e2a2_hymne-433
| when: 2001-06-14T10:44:00
| who: At
| type: forum-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a2_hymne-428
title: Vers = ligne?SendTo:
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
; #cmr-Simu-Al6
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Ll4
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Ll9
p: C'estFranck qui écrit le
refrain, si tu veux, tu peux voir directement avec
lui par courriel. A+ Anna
- POST: xml:id: Aqui_e2a2_hymne-441
| when: 2001-06-15T03:08:00
| who: Al10
| type: forum-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a2_hymne-422
title: Inscrivez-vous pour l'hymne de la
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
; #cmr-Simu-Al6
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Ll4
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Ll9
p: HiAnna J'y vais! Si
seulement jétais à St. Jacques-sur-Mer pour
lheure Au bord dune mer turquoise où on est bien
accueilli Les petites maisons,rouges toits,les
arbres verts,une ville en fleur Mon rêve, une
coquille Saint-Jacques et un grand cru Chablis.
Anna. Sûrement, le
nom de la ville doit être 'St. Jacques-sur-Mer' et
pas 'Saint Jacques-sur-Mer'? Douglas
- POST: xml:id: Aqui_e2a2_hymne-444
| when: 2001-06-15T04:26:00
| who: Al10
| type: forum-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a2_hymne-417
title: Inscrivez-vous pour l'hymne de la
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
; #cmr-Simu-Al6
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Ll4
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Ll9
Frank, J'ai juste
fait la même erreur. Comment fait-on la corrige?
Merci en avance Douglas
- POST: xml:id: Aqui_e2a2_hymne-445
| when: 2001-06-15T06:17:00
| who: Al6
| type: forum-message
title: La troisième stropheSendTo:
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
; #cmr-Simu-Al6
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Ll4
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Ll9
p: Chers tous! Voici mon effort: Quel paysage! Ses
champs et ses ruisseaux, Ses vergers pleins de
fruits si mûrs et beaux! Courons aux baies où,
tous enfants, jouions-nous - A la mer la plus
belle qu'on ait jamais connue! En effet, pour le
troisième vers, je m'a permis de la licence
artistique!Anna - est-ce que je
doit le poster ailleurs? Mia
div:cmr-Simu-Aq-E2A3-4 ; title:E2_faire_vivre_personnage_struct ; date:from:2001-06-02T00:00:00 to:2001-06-23T23:59:59
div:cmr-Simu-Aqui_e2a4_menu ; type:chat
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00055
| when: 2001-06-20T19:02:47
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Devrions nous bavarder sur le sujet des menus
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00056
| when: 2001-06-20T19:03:29
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Oui, c'est mon avis
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00057
| when: 2001-06-20T19:03:43
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: D'accord. Pour les menus vegetarians, proposez vous que
ils soient organiques?
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00058
| when: 2001-06-20T19:04:38
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Bien sur, mais nous doivons penser de la coute
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00059
| when: 2001-06-20T19:05:11
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Oui mais je pense que les etudiants anglaises de l'Open
on beaucoup d'argent.
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00060
| when: 2001-06-20T19:06:06
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Excusez-moi, je dois taper 'ont beaucoup d'argent'
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00061
| when: 2001-06-20T19:06:42
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Je suis vraiment un vegetarian mais j'achete tous les
plat de M & S!
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00062
| when: 2001-06-20T19:07:30
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: J'ai lu quelque place que les aliments 'organiques' vendu
par les grands surfaces ne sont pas tourjours le vrai
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00063
| when: 2001-06-20T19:08:54
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: 'ne sont pas toujours la vrai chose'
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00064
| when: 2001-06-20T19:09:20
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: la meillure est acheter au 'Farmers Market'
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00065
| when: 2001-06-20T19:09:52
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Pour vos menus vegetarians, c'est possible de guarantir
que les aliments sont vraiment organiques?
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00066
| when: 2001-06-20T19:11:01
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Oui, mais pour les menus dans une grand resto
universitaire il faut acheter les aliments en masse
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00067
| when: 2001-06-20T19:12:10
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Certainment, moi, j'acheterai au matin dans les
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00068
| when: 2001-06-20T19:12:49
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Avez-vous autres idees pour attirer les nouveaux clients
pour le restaurant?
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00069
| when: 2001-06-20T19:13:44
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Peut-etre nous essayons les menus regionales?
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00070
| when: 2001-06-20T19:14:16
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Mais je crois que c'est tres difficile d'etre un
vegetarian en France.
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00071
| when: 2001-06-20T19:15:06
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Pour la plupart des restaurants, on n'a aucune choix dans
les menus
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00072
| when: 2001-06-20T19:15:53
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Je suggere que nous ayons plusieurs recettes de
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00073
| when: 2001-06-20T19:16:33
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Bien sur! Je pense que les salades avec les flaveurs de
Provence sont toujours bien
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00074
| when: 2001-06-20T19:17:32
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Mais pour la plupart des nourritures regionales, on ne
trouve pas des plats vegetarians
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00075
| when: 2001-06-20T19:18:34
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: C'est un peu bizarre, mais les meilleurs restaurants pour
les plats vegetarians en France sont les restaurants
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00076
| when: 2001-06-20T19:20:01
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Ecoutez. Noelleux aux courgettes ,grande aioli
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00077
| when: 2001-06-20T19:20:44
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: Ou couscous
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00078
| when: 2001-06-20T19:20:52
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Si on mange les plats avec aioli c'est impossible d'etre
avec quelqu'un qui n'avait pas mange la meme chose!
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00079
| when: 2001-06-20T19:22:09
| who: Al10
| type: chat-message
p: J'ai faim. Avez-vous mangez ce soir!
- POST: xml:id: Chat_Aquitania_Room3_S06_00080
| when: 2001-06-20T19:22:35
| who: Ll4
| type: chat-message
p: Non. Et mon repas est pret. Je suggere que nous
finissions maintenant.
div:cmr-Simu-Aq-Principal ;
div:cmr-Simu-Aq-mail ; type:email
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Outbox-0026
| when: 2001-05-05T08:04:00
| who: At
| type: email-message
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-Al10
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al10
p: BonjourDouglas, Comme prévu, je vous
renvoie voitre biographie avec quelques commentaires dans Word. A
mardi et bon week-end. Anna
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Outbox-0027
| when: 2001-05-05T08:06:00
| who: At
| type: email-message
title: ta bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-An3
Read: #cmr-Simu-An3
p: SalutEmilie, Ce n'était pas la peine
de m'envoyer une bio puisque tu as déja ta page perso construite
dans Publications. Mais c'est pas grâve, je te la renvoie avec un
seul commentaire dans Word. Bon week-end. A+ Anna
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Inbox-0028
| when: 2001-05-05T12:55:00
| who: Al10
| type: email-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aq-At-Outbox-0026
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-At
Read: #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
p: BonjourAnna, Beaucoup de problèmes !
Je ne peux pas ouvrir la fiche. Je reçois ce message : «Windows
registry has reported that one or more files are damaged or missing.
To correct the problem run the Word Set-up program» Je nai aucun
CD-ROM. En outre, un autre avertissement arrive, plusiers fois:
«Erreur de script d Internet Explorer» Je suis épuisé et deconcerté
Pouvez-vous m'aider? Douglas
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Outbox-0029
| when: 2001-05-05T21:03:00
| who: At
| type: email-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aq-At-Inbox-0028
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-Al10
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al10
p: BonsoirDouglas, C'est la première fois
que je rencontre ce genre de problème, aussi, je n'ai pas de
solution immédiate. Ce que je vous propose, c'est de vous réadresser
votre bio en document attaché à ce mail. Si après ce deuxième essai,
cela ne va pas mieux, redites-le moi, je demanderai à mes collègues
de Besançon lundi. Bien à vous, Anna
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Outbox-0030
| when: 2001-05-05T21:06:00
| who: At
| type: email-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aq-At-Inbox-0028
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-Al10
Read: #cmr-Simu-Al10
Douglas, Une autre solution en
attendant : essayez d'utiliser Netscape. On m'a dit qu'il se
produisait des problèmes lorsqu'on essaie de télécharger un document
dans Web CT avec Internet Explorer. Je pense qu'avec Netscape, vous
résoudrez peut-être le problème. Essayez et redites-moi ! Merci
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Inbox-0031
| when: 2001-05-06T19:23:00
| who: Al10
| type: email-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aq-At-Outbox-0030
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-At
Read: #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
p: SalutAnna Eureka! Bingo! Succés
Chronologie 1936-1947 Service dans larmée britannique et larmée de
lInde (davant sa partition et son indépendance ) 1947-1950 ouvrier
agricole 1953-1957 larmée britannique encore 1957-1960 Guyana 1961
-1966 Libye Chanteurs. Egalement, Edith Piaf, Cbeb Mami, François
Hardy, Serge Gainsbourg et al Artiste Lhuile, aquarelle, acrylique,
pastel, Paysages, portraits, et la nature morte Au mardi A bientôt
- POST: xml:id: Aq-At-Outbox-0032
| when: 2001-05-06T19:47:00
| who: At
| type: email-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Aq-At-Inbox-0031
title: votre bioSendTo:
SendTo: #cmr-Simu-Al10
Read: #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
p: HelloDouglas, Merci pour les
précisions biographiques. Je vois qu'on a pas mal de points communs
en matière de chanteurs. J'adore Cheb Mami aussi ! A mardi, Anna
TEI:Interaction Space, entitled "Monde", of the Intercultural
div:cmr-Simu-Md-I1-2 ; title:Interculture_Monde ; date:from:2001-05-14T00:00:00 to:2001-07-01T23:59:59
div:cmr-Simu-Monde-Individualisme_Individualism ;
- POST: xml:id: Monde-Individualisme_Individualism-15
| when: 2001-05-21T03:02:00
| who: Tc8
| type: forum-message
title: Individualisme_IndividualismSendTo:
Read: #cmr-Simu-Tc5
; #cmr-Simu-An2
; #cmr-Simu-Nl8
; #cmr-Simu-Gt
; #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Gl1
; #cmr-Simu-Nl1
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Tc9
; #cmr-Simu-Gn1
; #cmr-Simu-Gl4
; #cmr-Simu-Fc
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
p: </pre> Vous avez consulté les réponses
données pour les mots "Individualisme / Individualism", vous
pouvez réagir ici
!<br><br> You
had a look at the answers given for the words
"Individualisme / Individualism", feel free now to react
here !<br><br>
Jérôme. <pre>
- POST: xml:id: Monde-Individualisme_Individualism-42
| when: 2001-05-22T11:02:00
| who: Gl1
| type: forum-message
| ref: #cmr-Simu-Monde-Individualisme_Individualism-15
title: Individualisme_IndividualismSendTo:
Read: #cmr-Simu-Tc5
; #cmr-Simu-An3
; #cmr-Simu-An2
; #cmr-Simu-Tc3
; #cmr-Simu-Gt
; #cmr-Simu-Al2
; #cmr-Simu-Gl1
; #cmr-Simu-Nl1
; #cmr-Simu-Al5
; #cmr-Simu-Al10
; #cmr-Simu-Nt
; #cmr-Simu-Tc9
; #cmr-Simu-Gn1
; #cmr-Simu-Gl4
; #cmr-Simu-Ln1
; #cmr-Simu-Nl8
; #cmr-Simu-Fc
; #cmr-Simu-At
; #cmr-Simu-Tm
p: Les réponses pour la partie des anglais sont très différents,
la majorité disent qu'individualisme c'est freedom,
personality, indépendance, des peus l'associent avec egoisme
comme la majorité de français. Je pense que ici un peux voir
la grande différence entre l'introvertion anglosaxone et
l'extrovertion latin. AmitiésAlba
Composition of the corpus
Download the whole corpus: http://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-simuligne/cmr-simuligne-tei-v1.zip (ZIP file, 26.5 Mo )
nbparticipants=67 + 4 groups ; textchat = 6790 posts ; emails = 2030 messages ;
forums = 2686 messages
principal : Chanier Thierry.
compiler : Reffay Christophe.
editor : Chanier Thierry.
data inputter : Jin Kun.
developer : Lotin Paul.
participant : Cislaru Georgeta.
publisher : ORTOLANG (Outils et Ressources pour un Traitement Optimisé
de la LANGue), Nancy:France
Publication Statement and Rights
Date: 2014-05-01
uri: cmr-simuligne-tei-v1
url: http://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-simuligne/cmr-simuligne-tei-v1
The persons who created this work have dedicated the
work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work
worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring
rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute
and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking
permission. We recommand that researchers reference / cite our work as
mentionned in titleSmt
In the original experiment Simuligne (2001), from which
the first version of the corpus was created in 2009, every participant
volonteered. Although none signed any Right and Informed Content form
when the experiment happened (2001), all personal data have been