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Learning and Teaching Corpus (LETEC) FAVI (Français académique virtuel international) provenant de Mulce.org et mis en TEI

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How to cite this resource

Yun, H. & Chanier, T. (2014). Corpus d'apprentissage FAVI (Français académique virtuel international). Banque de corpus CoMeRe. Ortolang.fr : Nancy. [https://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-favi/cmr-favi-tei-v1]

This form has been automatically extracted from the TEI file. For the full contents, see https://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-favi/cmr-favi-tei-v1.xml.

Overview of the corpus

The first version of this corpus, structured as a LEarning and TEaching corpus, (Yun & Chanier , 2011) can be downloaded from the Mulce repository using the ID reference oai:mulce.org:mce-favi-letec-all. All of the interactions between participants from the two FAVI text chat courses have been extracted from the original corpus. They were converted into TEI within the framework of the CoMeRe (Communication médiée par les réseaux) project. This project aims to assemble different network-mediated communication corpora in French (Internet, telecommunication), to structure them in a standard format and to release the corpora in an open access format for research purposes. The CoMeRe project has received support from ORTOLANG and the national consortium Corpus-écrits. ;

Keywords : applied_linguistics ; discourse_analysis ; text_and_corpus_linguistics ; primary_text ; dialogue ; Communication Médiée par les Réseaux ; CoMeRe ; clavardage ; Français langue étrangère ; Français universitaire ; corpus d'apprentissage ; Computer Mediated Communication ; CMC ; textchat ; French as a foreign language ; Academic French ; LETEC ;


Yun, H. & Chanier, T. (2011). (editors) LETEC corpus FAVI. Mulce.org : Clermont Université. [oai : mulce.org:mce-favi-letec-all ; http://repository.mulce.org]

Yun, H. et Demaizière, F. (2010). "Focalisation multiple et émergence de savoirs nouveaux dans des échanges par clavardage". Les Cahiers de l’Acedle, 7(2), 271-295.

Yun, H. et Demaizière, F. (2008). "Interactions à distance synchrones entre apprenants de FLE : le clavardage au service du français académique". Les Cahiers de l’Acedle, 5(1), 255-276.

Yun, H. et Demaizière, F. (2009). "Des interactions à distance synchrones pour améliorer la compétence argumentative d’apprenants de FLE ?". Actes du colloque Epal 2009.

Rationale for this corpus

This corpus is a subpart of the CoMeRe corpus databank. The CoMeRe (Communication Médiée par les Réseaux) project aims to build a kernel corpus assembling existing corpora of different CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) genres and new corpora build on data extracted from the Internet. These heterogenous corpora will be structured and processed in a uniform way, complemented with metadata. CoMeRe will be released as OpenData through the national infrastructure Ortolang, following constraints which will be reused for the forthcoming “Corpus de Référence du Français”. Project supported by the national consortium Corpus-écrits, sub-part of Huma-Num, and Ortolang (French correspondant to DARIAH).

The TEI structure used is an extension of TEI for CMC genres. This extension is developped by a European project which participants are : Michael Beißwenger (DE), Thierry Chanier (FR), Isabella Chiari (IT), Maria Ermakova (DE), Maarten van Gompel (NL), Iris Hendrickx (NL), Axel Herold (DE), Henk van den Heuvel (NL), Lothar Lemnitzer (DE), Angelika Storrer (DE).

Description of the Interaction Space

CMC Environment

  • MSN-Messenger : Definition of the modality textchat according to MSN Messenger, version 2008
  • Structure of interactions
    text: One per course for its Interaction Space
    div: Divisions correspond to synchronous textchat sessions.
    post: one post corresponds to one texchat turn.

    action: when a participant enters or leaves the textchat

    Data Collection

    Data collected : From 2006-01-31 to 2006-05-10
    rs: Paris, France
    rs: 7008038

    Language of the data: French

    Types of interaction

    channel: mode: w , Textchat system MSN Messenger
    constitution: This corpus is made of textchat logfiles which include interactions among participants: tutors of French as a foreign language and learners of French, PhD and Master's students coming from abroad.
    derivation: type: original ,
    domain: education
    factuality: type: fact ,
    interaction: type: complete , active: many , Interactions happened acordingly to the guidelines of the learning activities (see projectDesc for access to guidelines)
    preparedness: type: spontaneous ,
    purpose: degree: high , learn and practise French in an academic context

    Participants (extract)

    Durant l’expérience-pilote (faviep), 3 tuteurs (dont 2 natifs) animent toutes les séances de clavardage. Lors de la seconde expérience (favie2), 2 tuteurs participent aux activités et se partage les rôles : l’un est un tuteur linguistique et l’autre s’occupe de la conception des activités de clavardage et de la modération de la séance. Le public cible est des étudiants en master, en doctorat et en post-doctorat de l’Université Paris 3 et de l’Université Paris Dauphine.

    Person ID= cmr-favi-TUT1
    sex: male
    residence: France
    affiliation: Université Paris 3
    langKnowledge: First language
    persName: Tutor1

    Person ID= cmr-favi-TUT2
    sex: female
    residence: France
    affiliation: Université Paris 3
    langKnowledge: First language
    persName: Tutor2

    Person ID= cmr-favi-TUT3
    sex: female
    nationality: key: kor , Korean
    affiliation: Université Paris 3
    langKnowledge: First language
    persName: Tutor3

    Person ID= cmr-favi-MEXO
    sex: male
    nationality: key: mex , Mexico
    affiliation: Université Paris Dauphine
    langKnowledge: First language
    persName: Octavio

    Extracts of Interactions

    TEI:General Interaction Space for the experiment faviep

    div:Session faviep-s5

    TEI:General Interaction Space for the experiment favie2

    div:Session favie2-s6_1

    Composition of the corpus





    Download the whole corpus: https://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-favi/cmr-favi-tei-v1.zip (ZIP file, 5.2 Mo )

    nbparticipants=31 ; textchat = 7 750 posts ; token= 77 605


    principal : Chanier Thierry.
    compiler : Yun Hyeon.
    editor : Chanier Thierry.
    data inputter : Jin Kun.
    developer : Lotin Paul.
    participant : Wigham Ciara.
    publisher : ORTOLANG (Outils et Ressources pour un Traitement Optimisé de la LANGue), Nancy:France .

    Publication Statement and Rights


    Date: 2014-05-01


    url: https://hdl.handle.net/11403/comere/cmr-favi/cmr-favi-tei-v1



    The people who created this work have dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. We recommend that researchers reference / cite our work as mentionned in titleSmt

    All participants names have been removed and data have been anonymized.